The Lumineers: NPR Tiny Desk

This is an iconic Tiny Desk session, and a therapeutic one, too. It's one I found only recently but keep coming back to when I need a bit of a boost. It makes me smile every time.

The Lumineers always bring something pretty special to their live performances. Combine that with the magic of Tiny Desk (and yes, that incredible sound engineering again!) and - hey presto.

There's just so much joy in the performance: the big smiles on all the band members' faces; the way Wesley Schultz gets the whole office singing along, the pianist jumping on the desk, the obviously positive energy that just shines through your screen.

We're treated to five songs in this performance. It starts with the subtle raucous singalong of Gloria, and then drops right down into Leader of the Landslide, which is accompanied by a tape recorder playing a recording of the crickets and rain outside the studio where the band recorded a version of this song for their album. A bit special.

After a couple more numbers, the band rounds it off with Stubborn Love, one of their best known songs and another one absolutely designed for a huge sing-along. It starts relatively sedately and builds. The band have cheeky grins on their faces from the start - they know how this will all turn out. 

And this is the song where the pianist, Jeremiah Fraites (a co-founder of the band), leaps on to the desk - in bare feet, just to add to the joy - and implores the assembled crowd (there's a rare moment where you actually see them) to sing louder before returning to the keys.

This performance was recorded on 28 February 2020 -  and it looks like this was of the last - if not the last - full Tiny Desk concert to be recorded before the Big C hit us. The Lumineers left us a precious gift to see us through, and remind us that better times will return again.

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love