Wolf Alice: Song to the Siren

The first proper post and I've chosen a song I've been listening to a lot recently - that's the only reason this one comes first. I tend to listen according to mood and this one's a mood for certain.

Song to the Siren: a great song, and this one is an absolutely beautiful cover. The song was originally written by Tim Buckley, and released in 1970. It's been covered by This Mortal Coil and countless others. But the version I first heard (and still like the best, after listing to several other versions) was recorded by Wolf Alice, specially for Spotify. It appears on a "single", along with a version of 'Don't Delete the Kisses'.

It's just beautiful. I know I've used that word already, but I think I've got a reasonable excuse here. The song has been breathtakingly re-interpreted in a satisfyingly minimal way. 

The vocals are stripped back - sung passionately, with a lovely build throughout the track, but it's not overdone. And it slows to a simple, gentle end. This ebb and flow seems to fit with the lyrical structure of the song - it's been well thought out. Not all covers are - some can sound like fillers, or novelty pieces. This is a new piece of music in its own right. The band have added their own touch, in the shape of a more prominent picked-out riff between verses, and this provides an additional layer of interest.

Another point which has occurred to me, on the umpteenth listen - it's obvious really, but sometimes you just let music wash over you at first, and then notice things about it later. There are no harmonies, no drums, no other instruments. Just Ellie Rowsell's heartfelt vocals and a clean electric guitar. Or perhaps two - it's a bit hard to tell. This feels like a carefully considered choice. The choice was to let the song - and the vocals - speak for themselves, with just the right balance of guitar support providing a frame for the occasionally cracking voice to ring out. I picture this recorded quickly, but oh so carefully. 

I have to admit that I'd never taken notice of Wolf Alice before this one (sorry) - I will be now.