Region: Idkwhyidkwhere

To round off this week's series* highlighting some talented younger artists who've come to my attention recently, here are my, brief, observations on Devon three-piece Region and their fantastically titled track 'Idkwhyidkwhere'.

The band describe themselves as "three friends who just want to have fun with their music", and it shows. This is a sub-4 minute slice of pure guitar-based hedonism. Opening with satisfyingly chunky Metallica-style riffs, the song proceeds at a steady but driving pace. The lead singer's almost alto vocals don't let up for more of the song, only stepping back occasionally to allow a bit more guitar to have its raspy say.

It sounds deceptively simple, but we've all heard apparently simple rock-style music being terribly delivered. This has been thought through, honed and delivered in a well crafted package for our delectation.

Have fun with Region, and keep an eye on them!


* A slightly grandiose title